Willkommen bei der Digitalen Hochschulbibliografie der TH Köln Welcome to the Digital University Bibliography of TH Köln
About the Digital University Bibliography of TH Köln

The Digital University Bibliography is an online platform to record and present the publication achievements of all TH Köln employees. It lists publications that are permanently accessible and publicly available in print or digitally. Contact:publikationsservice@th-koeln.de

Newest publications

  • Rehm, Tobias; Schneiders, Thorsten; Scholzen, Frank:
    Bidirectional Charging (Vehicle-to-Home) in Home Energy Management Systems: Exploring Potentials with a Simulation Tool
    The 18th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water, and Environment Systems (SDEWES) ; Dubrovnik, Croatia ; 24.09.-29.09.2023
    Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2023-09-28
  • Sander, Harald:
    The Euro Crisis
    In: Elgar Encyclopedia of Financial Crises / Hsu, Sara (Eds.). - Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2023, pp. 383 - 388
  • Sander, Harald:
    The developing country debt crisis of the 1980s
    In: Elgar Encyclopedia of Financial Crises / Hsu, Sara (Eds.). - Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2023, pp. 379 - 382
  • Duckwitz, Amelie:
    „21-Year-Old Robot Living in LA” : Die schöne neue Welt der KI-Influencer
    In: Die Politische Meinung / Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (Eds.). , Vol. 69, No. 587
